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Black Grassroot Women's Convenction

Pan-Africanist Grassroot Garveyist Global Conference

Winnie Mandela Conference 2014

 23-25 May   Spain


 Women on


Conmemorate, evaluete, organize to liberate our community


2014 is a special year for African Liberation  Movement in Spain, this is the year of we conmmemorate the only travel of the honorable Marcus Garvey to Madrid  in 1914. Is also 20 aniversary of the founder of Radio voz de Africa the most long African Radio show rulling by black communitty 1993-2014.   
Also coinciding with the anniversary died of  Amy Jaques Garvey  leader  and strong actvist of the UNIA and African liberation.

Under the motto " Pan-africanist of21century we  conmemorate, evaluete, organize to liberate our comnunity, this edition of the  WINNIE MANDELA Pan-Africanist Conference. In these days, it will work lines as the claim of socio economic and political independence of women from a Afrocentrism point of view, the analysis of other democratic processes and the contribution of  Pan-africanist women to them 

The construction of an alternative socioeconomic model to the capitalist crisis and practice garveyist,  these days are framed in a context marked by the community process and identity of the situation in Europe by  black community located at the gates of a process of normalization and reparation policies, human rights, ecology, economy, health, racism our children and youth burned a year ago London, and by the economic crisis, to which we consider essential to a response from grassroots organizations but always the base militancy Amy Jacques Garvey as did Winnie Mandela, Angela Davis, Aminta Traore, Martha Munie, Ana Nzingha, Afrocentrism, maroons Garveyism and Pan-Africanism.

As brother leader  Abuy Nfubea said in Bolivia,"we need to built a new vision from grassroot communitty leadership for Hip-hop generation. When are looking for  it  we met  Winnie, but when we express our  love to  sista Winnie  Mandela, we are not talking on an any simple persone, we are talking on  one of the most  important  reference on our struggle  since  Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X,  Thoussaint , Amilcar Cabral, Zumbi or  Ogsayefo Nkrumah times. She represent the last higthest symbol of Black dignity for our  children and Hip-Hop reparation".  

If we really-pretend-develop-a-process-of-social transformation-that incidaen Pan Africanist community level that takes in both the performance parameters set Africanness, leadership and the engine of this process can only be placed from grassroots organizations that guarantee recovery just political conceptual vision of Garveyism who have been promoted to the affirmation and repair of blacks. Therefore urges us, we need to build an institutional womanist instrument, marroon, community based and afrocentrado sovereign, whose roll is to guarantee the moral and ideological rearmament of the youth of the hip-hop generation.

We believe it is necessary to create a political subject-object-whose first of all guarantee-the-participation of all Pan-Africanists of seen it. Using the same objective and vision of the UNIA-ACL.

Pan-Africanist Grassroot  Global Conference

 One hundred and twenty panafricanist women delegates from sixteen global  countries and the world  will arrived in Spain, for the three-day conference. This milestone event culminated in the formation of the Black garveyist Women’s Network. We will tribute   sista   Marthe Moumie,  who was founder  leader of  Union of the Peoples of the Cameroons, fighting  for Equatorial Guinea, Freedom . 

 In the tradition of UNIA , with much love and enthusiasm and sacrifice, we invite all those sisters who are active under the discipline of  some organizations, because as  Winnie Mandela teach us, the only way black community  will achieve  freedom is throught   organizations all over the world. We invite those sisters with whom we have encountered in the marches for  jusctice, Freedom, Equality, Reparation.  we must build a strong global Pan-Africanist organization, as political space and identity of black consciousness for reparation. A olitical tool that give us RESPONSE TO OUR social oppression, political alienation and economical impoverishment. Sisters from  London, Cali, Dakar,  Malabo, Salvador, Montevideo, Lagos, Nairobi, Accra, Harare, Los Angeles, Chicago, NY,  Angola, Kingston, Madrid, Durban, Sahara,  Republica dominicana, France, Germany, Angola, Haiti, Brussels, Rome  etc .... 

The conference provided a space and platform for the strategic discussion of various issues such as migration, political participation, qualification and access to the labour market, identity and self- empowerment, gendered racism, mechanisms of social exclusion, psychosocial conflicts (particularly women,youth  and children), and the role of Black European women within European societies. Those who are still part of this struggle for  Winnie Mandela awards, artists, workers, studients in the struggle for reparation PNL, in the corridors of power, that sistas who we meet in the bus way to clean house care of others or other children. Sisters who are very conceptuality  clear and socialized in our garveyist struggle  tradition, people  that now that catharsis is not enough for the Black Community in its whole.And we as Pan-Africanist  family  we must organize and lead here and now a political marroon proposal  for our Communities all over the world . 

As community leader this is our responsibility as Pan-Africanism in the 21st century Let's keep the discussion together victory in sight. Our goal is unity, victory is our destiny.

Organization Commitee

  1. El que hacer del pueblo negro ( las implicaciones de ser pueblo, decantar si estamos dispuestos a asumir lo que implica ser un pueblo étnico  y como articularnos globalmente, y definir el objetivo principal al que le apuntaremos unidos como un solo cuerpo).
  2. Relacion del pueblo afro con la institucionalidad y la otredad ( unas lineas basicas en donde la comunidad afro entienda que no son los gobiernos los que nos deben decir que hacer, sino nosotros los que tenemos la autonomia de ejercer nuestro ser y definir que modelo de sociedad queremos)
  3. Conflictos,crimenes de Odio, lessa humanidad Estado ( casos de violacion de los derechos humanos que padecen las comunidades africanodescendientes Mauritania, Sudan, Haiti, Colombia, Sahara, Congo )
  4. Medios de comunicacion
  5. La construción de un nuevo liderazgo post Durban
  6. The Hip-Hop generation London and Paris Riots
  7. Proyeccion y gestion de microempresas comnitarias

Some qeens...
Winnie Mandela
Agandira Mavhinga-Aline Nzingha-Leyla Rodriguez- Diana Rengyfo-Leydis Mena Maturana-Esther Ekwa-Aminata Traore-Samia Nkrumah -Affiong Affiong-Njeri Yebieckman-Patricia Lumumba-Mbosse Ndiaye-Martha Trujillo-Matty Sharawi-Erika Abadou-Tasya Umoja-Jenny Fdez-Rufina Nguema-Fernanda Bonfin-Amanda Udsord-Amma Mazama-Rita Marley...


Pan-African Reparation coalition in Europe UK-The African Root Movement Holland-Afrika-Rat Bradembourg Germany-Global African Congress Alemania-Federación Panafricanista de España-Fundacion  VIda Grupo Ecologico Verde-Asociación Madres solteras de Guinea Ecuatorial-Fundación ciencias de la documentación-Global Afrikan Congress Spain-Malcolmx Grassroot Movement Atlanta-organizacion Palenkes Colombia-Organizaçao Prosaude Lisboa-Moyo waTaifa Panafrican women Center Accra Ghana- Mexico Negro DF-

local Comitees

Harare -Barcelona-  Malabo- Cali- Atlanta- NY- Bahia- Kingston- Calcuta-DFMexico



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Texto editado por: Esasom Mba Bikie Nosotros el pueblo de Guinea Ecuatorial, no consideramos nuestro país pequeño, por eso decimos GRAN PAÍS. Aunque solo hubiera un hombre y una mujer en este país, para nosotros es EL GRAN PAÍS,  DEL GRAN PUEBLO DE LA GUINEA ECUATORIAL. Los guineanos aunque estemos solos, decimos que somos grandes. Por Francisco Macias Nguema Biyogo    VIERNES DÍA 19 DE AGOSTO DE 1966 Don ENRIQUE GORI MOLUBELA (Postura del Presidente de la Asamblea ante la INDEPENDENCIA DE Guinea Ecuatorial) Don Enrique Gori Molubela El 19 de agosto de 1966, día de su llegada, el Subcomité hizo una visita al Presidente de la Asamblea General, Don Enrique Gori Molubela. Asistieron a la reunión algunos otros miembros de la Asamblea. En una declaración de bienvenida, el Sr. Gori Molubela informó al Subcomité de que la totalidad del pueblo de Guinea Ecuatorial deseaba que el Territorio obtuviese la independencia. El problema residía en cómo y cuándo. Por su parte, el Sr. Gori Molub

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